
A Bloody Good Idea. A Solution to the Anxiety of those Workplace Blues

Our Aussie friends Down Under at Rehab Management have got a great scheme underway, directly related to many of the issues that I write about on this blog. Now both the Employer and Employee Anxiety of workplace issues have a face. Employee stress and burnout comes in many forms and always negatively effects the workplace. Infighting with Management and Co-Workers, work overload, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, family issues, relationship problems and general demotivation are but a few of the troubles brewing in most workplaces nowadays.

Through their scheme at the Employee Assistance Programme they are actively trying to ease this burden. A team of registered and qualifed Psychologists are available to counsel and talk through the many hassles encountered by the modern day employee. It is a win-win situation for both employer and employee. A balanced and healthy worker can only positively contribute to a company's growth.

Their website at EAP is a mine of information and is essential reading for both boss and employee. We can all fall victim to the stresses of the modern and fast moving economy. The Anxiety of the modern workplace leaves no prisoners. I know that all too well. Well done guys. Some of us need all the help we can get.

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